三量日本三量数显弹簧拉压试验机测力机拉力压力测试测力计伸缩测量仪 ST-1000N 0.1N(可连电脑) 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 选择型号 ST-10N 0.001N(可连电脑) ST-20N 0.001N (可连电脑) ST-30N 0.001N(可连电脑) ...
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批量生产 储存到myST N沟道1000 V、6.25 Ohm典型值、1.85 A有齐纳管保护的SuperMESH功率MOSFET,IPAK封装 Order Direct 产品概述 描述 This high-voltage device is a Zener-protected N-channel Power MOSFET developed using the SuperMESH technology by STMicroelectronics, an optimization of the well-established Po...
ST4.8*63(450支/盒) ST4.8*70(450支/盒) ST6.3*19(1000支/盒) 规格 货期 价格 库存 选购数量 奥展实业(AOZHAN)奥峰牌DIN7504N-410不锈钢十字槽盘头自钻自攻螺钉圆头钻尾螺丝燕尾 ST4.8*63(450支/盒) ST4.8*63(450支/盒) ¥ -+ 奥展实业(AOZHAN)奥峰牌DIN7504N-410不锈钢十字槽盘头自钻自攻螺钉圆头...
批量生产 储存到myST N沟道1000V - 0.56 Ohm - 13.5A - TO-247有齐纳管保护的SuperMESH™功率MOSFET Order Direct 产品概述 描述 The SuperMESH™ series is obtained through an extreme optimization of ST’s well established strip-based PowerMESH™ layout. In addition to pushing on-resistance signifi...
http://www.countryfinancial.com Tiffany Cole is a COUNTRY Financial representative providing insurance and financial services for the communities in and around Monmouth, IL 61462 Also at this address Nici Jones - COUNTRY Financial Representative ...
02311AYU N3000ST7W3 通用硬盘-3000GB-SATA 6.0Gb/s-7200rpm-3.5 inch-64 MB-热插拔-内置式-3.5英寸拉手条 02311AYV N4000ST7W3 通用硬盘-4000GB-SATA 6.0Gb/s-7200rpm-3.5 inch-64 MB-热插拔-内置式-3.5英寸拉手条 02311AYJ N1000NS7W3 通用硬盘-1000GB-NL SAS 6.0Gb/s-7200rpm-3.5 inch-64 MB...
品牌名称: 紧商 商品型号: DIN7504N-410 订货编码: 100003929900 包装规格: - 选择型号 ST4.2*19(2000支/盒) ST4.2*25(1600支/盒) ST4.8*16(1700支/盒) ST4.8*25(1100支/盒) ST4.8*38(1000支/盒) 此商品为企业业务专属商品,请您前往企业业务平台下单购买,感谢! 搭配热销 其他...
1000N数显推拉力计/100公斤数显式拉压力计 参考价¥1800 1000N推拉力计(S型 微型 轮辐式 柱式) 参考价¥2800 1-200吨(微型 S型 柱型)推拉力传感器 参考价¥1800 1000N数显推拉力计破坏性试验 参考价¥2000 产品分类品牌分类 推拉力计_小型推拉力计 ...
N沟道1000V - 1.1 Ohm - 8.3A - TO-247有齐纳管保护的SuperMESH™功率MOSFET Order Direct 产品概述 描述 The SuperMESH™ series is obtained through an extreme optimization of ST’s well established strip-based PowerMESH™ layout. In addition to pushing on-resistance significantly down, special ...