Feast Day of St. Francis Xavier
The Feast of St. Francis Xavier is observed on December 3rd each year. It is a regional public holiday in the northern Spanish community of Navarra and the Indian state of Goa. The feast day honours a Roman Catholic missionary who was key in the establishment of Christianity in India, the...
St. Francis Xavier St. Fulgentius Archbishop Fulton Sheen St. Genevieve St. George St. Germaine Cousin St. Gertrude the Great St. Gregory the Great St. Henry St. Hilary Father Hubert Shiffer St. Hugh of Lincoln St. Ignatius Loyola St. Ignatius of Antioch St. Ignatius of Laconi St. Isido...
The Feast of St. Francis Xavier commemorates the death of St. Francis Xavier, patron saint of Goa. Fondly called the Goincho Saib or the Lord of Goa, St. Xavier was a Spanish Jesuit missionary who preached Christianity in many parts of Asia. After achieving great success in Goa, St Xavie...
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(Biography)Saintoriginal nameGiovanni di Bernardone. ?1181–1226, Italian monk; founder of the Franciscan order of friars. He is remembered for his humility and love for all creation and was the first person to exhibit stigmata (1224). Feast day: Oct 4 ...
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April 29 is also known as St Catherine's Day after St Catherine of Siena, one of the two patron Saints of Italy - the other being Francis of Assisi - and who is often Royal rose Bodyparts of St Francis Xavier and St Catherine of Siena have been scattered like distributing a dinner ser...
When he was a young priest, and had gathered about him a number of spiritual persons, his first wish was to go with them all to preach the gospel to the heathen of India, where St. Francis Xavier was engaged in his wonderful career – and he only gave up the idea in obedience to ...