St. Vitus Cathedral, or to use its full nameThe Metropolitan Cathedral of Saints Vitus, Wenceslaus and Adalbert, is an excellent example of Gothic architecture and the biggest and most important church in the Czech Republic. The seat of the Archbishop of Prague, dedicated to Saint Vitus, is d...
Vitus Cathedral stained glass window 博物馆馆长小夭 嘿,朋友!为您呈上资源~ 点击[穆夏 《圣维特大教堂彩色玻璃窗》 St. Vitus Cathedral stained glass window]即可轻松获取! 你对这类资源平时关注多不多,还有其他想要的资源吗?
Vitus Cathedral staff and past visitors. Posting guidelines Get notified about new answers to your questions. Verification: Typical questions asked: Do I have to buy a ticket for my infant? How do I get there using public transportation? Is there a restaurant or café onsite? Browse nearby ...
Around the year 1060 and after Wenceslas has died the site receives an upgrade when Prague becomes a Bishopric.The Rotunda was then absorbed into the church, part of which you can still see on the south side of ST Vitus Cathedral. In the first picture above you can see the original layou...
St. Vitus CathedralHoly Roman Emperors
Situated at the Prague Castle, St. Vitus Cathedral is the most important and largest church in Prague. The cathedral is the burial place of the former Czech kings and a home of the Czech Crown Jewels. Check In — / — / — Check Out — / — / — Guests 1 room, 2 adults, 0 chil...
圣维特大教堂(St.Vitus Cathedral)位于布拉格城堡内,是哥特式建筑的精彩范例,其中有许多波希米亚国王的坟墓,是捷克最大、最重要的一座教堂。大教堂是历代皇帝举行加冕典礼的场所,有&quo
St Vitus Cathedral 加冕场所,建筑瑰宝 圣维特大教堂,是历代皇帝举行加冕典礼的场所,有“建筑之宝”的美誉,如今这里收藏有十四世纪神圣罗马帝国间波希米亚国王查理四世的纯金皇冠、金球及令牌,塔顶有文艺复兴式样的大钟,钟楼是俯瞰布拉格市景最美的地方,如果脚力还行,不妨尝试一项健步运动,攀爬教堂高塔里287级楼梯,登高瞭...
St. Vitus Cathedral stood unfinished for long centuries until the middle of the 19th century when the aesthetics of the Gothic style were trendy again. In 1861 works started and lasted well into the 20th century. In 1929 this giant work of art and wonder of engineering and architecture was ...
圣维特大教堂(St Vitus Cathedral)地址:Hradčany Prague Castle, Third Courtyard圣维塔大教堂是布拉格城堡最重要的地标,除了丰富的建筑特色,这里也