Spirits were high in the St. Vincent de Paul community Thursday morning as parents and fans gathered to watch Petaluma’s pluckiest football team climb onto a bus and ride away to meet their destiny in Southern California. The Mustangs were headed to theirsecond state championship game in a...
Just before St. Vincent de Paul football players loaded their bags onto a charter bus Thursday for a nearly six-and-a-half-hour journey from Petaluma to Pasadena — site of Friday night’s state championship game — the Mustangs huddled together after one final walk-throu...
St Vincent De Paul High School 走读学校 大学预备 男女混校 加利福尼亚 1:9 的师生比例 | 46%的教师高级学位 下载校书 学校简介 圣德保罗中学是一所男女混合的教区高中,为400名学生服务。圣德保罗中学主要是一所大学预备学校。学校的使命是通过大学预备课程教育学生,发展他们的精神、学术和社会潜能。作为一所天...