Spirits were high in the St. Vincent de Paul community Thursday morning as parents and fans gathered to watch Petaluma’s pluckiest football team climb onto a bus and ride away to meet their destiny in Southern California. The Mustangs were headed to theirsecond state championship game in a...
Just before St. Vincent de Paul football players loaded their bags onto a charter bus Thursday for a nearly six-and-a-half-hour journey from Petaluma to Pasadena — site of Friday night’s state championship game — the Mustangs huddled together after one final walk-thr...
Clare’s Catholic Church in Santa Clarita and for five years at Petaluma United Methodist Church. He is also the founding director of the Sonoma County Men’s Chorus. Now a resident of Santa Fe and Fort Worth, TX, Mr. Knight was the founding director of the Canticum Novum Chorus & ...
圣德保罗中学以神父Vincent de Paul(1581-1660)之名命名,他因为穷人服务而著名。今天,学校在给学生提供现代学习环境的同时还不忘体现神父Vincent de Paul的精神。学校从1919年起一直在现在的所在地加州的佩塔卢马市(Petaluma)。佩塔卢马在1906年旧金山地震中相对安然无恙。在佩塔卢马河西岸,是许多著名的、保存完好...