WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am & 10:30 am(Livestream) SUNDAY 10:30 LIVESTREAM >LIVESTREAM ARCHIVES > PRAYERS FOR THE FAITHFUL “Lord, Hear Our Prayer” PRAYER REQUESTS > All Are Welcome Plenty Good Room in My Father's House ...
Thomas Aquinas at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception on the campus of The Catholic University of America (CUA) in Washington, D.C The Mass, held to mark the opening of the university's spring semester, coincided with Catholic Schools Week. The Mass was broadcast...
Justin and I will be making some adjustments to the schedule for youth ministry programs and we’d like to know your thoughts on them. Would you each take five minutes to prayerfully consider this list and rate your favorites? We may need to move some things around so it is really import...
It’s hard focusing on writing today. Somehow I need to find the motivation to write about a Christian author, watching his society crumble around him into chaos and barbarism, as he tries t chart a course for the intellectual and spiritual development of those who would come after to kindle...
RUDIN, R.: Out of Nowhere / ELLERBY, M.: Mass of St. Thomas Aquinas / CHOBANIAN, L.: Armenian Rhapsody (George)Chobanian, Loris