圣托马斯阿奎那高中(St. Thomas Aquinas High School)是一所天主教背景的教会学校。该校致力于发展学生的精神、智力、社交、体育等方面的潜能,并引导他们成为终生学习的人以及富有自任感的公民。 学校特色:1.2012年获得“蓝丝带”荣誉。2.升学率100%。3.毕业生被常青藤名校录取。4.提供大量双学分课程选择。5.ACT...
Thomas Aquinas (d. 1274) does not deny that in some way man was rescued from the domination of the devil when he discusses Christ’s Passion, he mostly focuses on the Satisfaction model of the atonement where Christ made, by His voluntary sacrifice, satisfaction to the justice and honor of...