According to the basic ST segment depression criteria, we found a prevalence of silent ischemia of 11.3%, and with the strict criteria the prevalence was 5.2%. The patients who were considered positive according to the basic criteria but not according to the strict criteria (false-positive) in...
[9]Kligfield P,Okin P M,Goldberg H L.Value and limitations of heart rate-adjusted ST segment depression criteria for the identification of anatomically severe coronary obstruction:Test performance in relation to method of rate correction,definition of extent of disease,and β-blockade.Am Heart J,...
Effect of baseline ST segment elevation on test performance of standard and heart rate-ad- justed ST segment depression criteria. Am Heart J 1990; 119: 1280-6.Okin PM, Chen J, Kligfield P. Effect of baseline ST segment elevation on test performance of standard and heart-rate-adjusted ST...
Key Point: Classic ST-segment depression criteria for ischemia is 1 mm or greater (0.1 mV, 100 μV) of horizontal or downsloping ST depression, either from the PR isoelectric line or from the ST level at rest if the ST segment is below the PR isoelectric line. ST Depression in Recovery...
[3]Bundgaard H, Jns C, et al. N Engl J Med. 2018 Nov 1;379(18):1780-1781. doi: 10.1056/NEJMc1807668. A Novel Familial Cardiac Arrhythmia Syndrome with Widespread ST-Segment Depression. 原标题:活久见! 碰上一个ST段压低36年的“没事人”...
[3]Bundgaard H, Jøns C, et al. N Engl J Med. 2018 Nov 1;379(18):1780-1781. doi: 10.1056/NEJMc1807668. A Novel Familial Cardiac Arrhythmia Syndrome with Widespread ST-Segment Depression. -完 -
[3]Bundgaard H, Jøns C, et al. N Engl J Med. 2018 Nov 1;379(18):1780-1781. doi: 10.1056/NEJMc1807668. A Novel Familial Cardiac Arrhythmia Syndrome with Widespread ST-Segment Depression. 仅供医学人士参考
Heart Rate adjustment of ST segment depression and performance of the exercise electrocardiogram: A critical evaluation Analysis of the rate-related change in exercise-induced ST segment depression using the exercise ST segment/heart rate slope and ST segment/heart rate inde... PM Okin,P Kligfield...
Prediction of severity of coronary artery disease using slope of submaximal ST segment/heart rate relationship. A new exercise electrocardiography test has been examined in patients with angina pectoris; the rate of development of ST segment depression with respect t... M,S,Elamin,... - 《Cardiov...
perfusion defectsConclusions: In subjects with diffuse SPECT perfusion abnormalities, HR adjustment of ST segment depression offers a more accurate reflection of ischemic severity and provides incremental diagnostic capabilities over standard ST segment depression criteria for the evaluation of myocardial ...