ST Pharm is the only company worldwide that possesses its capping technology and LNP drug delivery technology for RNA-based drug development and production. The company plans to produce and supply clinical drugs in a dedicated mRNA production building at the Banwol Campus with GMP production in Gy...
LNP Konduit MT00E LNPKonduitMT00E MarFlex HGL-120-01 MarFlexHGL12001 MarFlex HGL-200 MarFlexHGL200 Marlex AGM-250 MarlexAGM250 Marlex AGM-350 MarlexAGM350 Marlex AGN-150 MarlexAGN150 Marlex AGN-230 MarlexAGN230 Marlex AGN-380 MarlexAGN380 Marlex AGN-450 MarlexAGN450 Marlex ...
大举进入基因治疗领域的同时,大型药企也在根据经营状况和技术发展情况,调整其自身管线发展,例如GSK根据自身战略布局,自2022年10月起陆续终止与Lyell Immunopharm、Adaptimmune、Immatics三家公司在细胞免疫疗法上的合作;而强生、传奇生物(Legend Biotech.)联合开发的西达基奥仑赛(Carvykti)免疫细胞治疗产品则供不应求,正在...
ST Pharm said it would develop the nation’s first lipid nanoparticle (LNP)-based Covid-19 mRNA vaccine that can respond to variant cases.2428 0 Printable PDF In developing the vaccine, the company plans to apply Genevant Science's LNP technology, used in developing Pfizer and ...