Below is the link to Trinity Lutheran High School. Click on it for all the information needed for Trinity. Use this page to apply for scholarhips and other aid to attend Trinity. Rev. Ryan Schneider, Pastor 812-358-25...
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To be In The Word Our church exists to immerse ourselves in God’s Word, finding wisdom and truth in the Bible. In our Lutheran faith, we believe that regular engagement with Scripture strengthens our relationship with God and helps us grow spiritually. ...
St. Peter Lutheran Church begins process of calling a new ministerLinda Lemond
The mission of St. Daniel’s Lutheran Church is to provide a caring and joyful community shaped by the love of God in Jesus Christ committed to nurturing people’s faith in God and sharing His gifts of hope and love with the world around us. ...
22 men met together for breakfast on Dec 14, 2024 at the Coffee Post in downtown Chesterland, OH. This month’s speaker at the monthly breakfast, sponsored by St. Mark Lutheran Church in Chesterland OH, was member George Fretz who had just returned from a mission trip to Thailand. Georg...
Welcome to St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in the heart of the City of Stratford, Ontario and home of the Stratford Shakespeare Festival, the largest repertory theatre in North America. The Evangelical Lutheran Church does not claim to be the only saving church, but it does endeavour ...
We're glad you found our web site! We invite you to join us sometime for worship or for one of our events so you can experience Gods love through the people of St. Paul. Check out the variety of ministry opportunities we offer for all ages and know t
17051 24 Mile Rd Macomb, MI 48042 St. Peter Lutheran Church and School is a member congregation of The LCMS.