利希菲尔德教堂彩色玻璃窗, 圣劳伦斯教堂, 伊夫舍姆(Lichfield chapel stained glass window, St Lawrence"s church, Evesham) 林菲尔德, 装货单. 彼得和圣. 保罗教堂: 彩色玻璃窗(Lingfield, St. Peter and St. Paul"s Church: Stained glass window) ...
Byline: Christopher MorleyHow refreshing to encounter a group of two violins, viola and two cellos and not be force-fed the overplayed Schubert Quintet!'Force-fed' is quite the apt word here, given that the centrepiece of yesterday's lunchtime Lichfield Festival concert from the personable ...
本次作品为jpg 格式的里奇菲尔德街. 从圣. 彼得的花园, 伍尔弗汉普顿(Lichfield St. from St. Peter"s Gardens , Wolverhampton), 本站编号50266504, 该英国街景照片库 (cc协议)素材大小为144k, 分辨率为640 x 427, 许可范围为可商用,署名,协议名称为CC署名-相同方式共享2.0, 作者为Shenk and Trish, 更多精...
莱姆恩: 圣彼得堡入口. 斯蒂芬教堂和战争纪念馆(Lympne: Entrance to St. Stephen"s Church and the War Memorial) 拉文汉, 圣彼得和圣彼得堡. 保罗教堂: 战争纪念馆(Lavenham, St Peter and St. Paul"s Church: War Memorial) 利奇菲尔德: 圣彼得堡大教堂. 玛丽& 装货单. 乍得(Lichfield: cathedral church of...
特罗蒂斯克利夫, 装货单. 彼得和圣. 保罗教堂: 格雷厄姆·萨瑟兰和妻子凯瑟琳纪念碑2(Trottiscliffe, St. Peter and St. Paul Church: Monument to Graham Sutherland and his wife Kathleen 2) 莱纳姆, 装货单. 玛丽教堂: 圣彼得堡的贝瑟斯登大理石祭坛. 埃德蒙教堂(Lenham, St. Mary"s Church: Bethersden mar...
圣彼得堡修道院教堂西门. 彼得& 装货单. 保罗(West door of the Priory Church of St. Peter & St. Paul) 格伦芬南: 圣彼得堡天主教会. 玛丽& 装货单. 芬南(Glenfinnan: Catholic church of St. Mary & St. Finnan) 艾克尔顿, 装货单. 玛丽抹大拉教堂: 圣彼得堡的有翼狮子. 马克罂粟头3(Ickleton, ...
安得烈, 彼得伯勒(The Cathedral Church of St.Peter, St. Paul & St. Andrew, Peterborough) 圣彼得堡的器官视图. 阿尔班大教堂#2(View of the organ in St. Alban"s Cathedral #2) 圣彼得堡的器官视图. 阿尔班大教堂(View of the organ in St. Alban"s Cathedral) 奥班: 圣彼得堡天主教大教堂. 哥伦布(...
托马斯(Pickering, St. Peter and St. Paul Church: c15th wall painting of St. Edmund and St. Thomas) 罗姆西: 圣彼得堡修道院教堂. 玛丽& 装货单. 埃瑟夫莱达(Romsey: abbey church of St. Mary & St. Ethelfleda) 利奇菲尔德: 圣彼得堡大教堂. 玛丽& 装货单. 乍得(Lichfield: cathedral church of St...
18), and Peter Heylyn laments in the preface of his 1631 life of St George that for some Protestants, ‘GEORGE the Martyr, so much honoured in the Christian world, is but a Counterfeit, a Larva; onely some strange Chimaera, the issue of an idle braine; one that had never any being ...
Hamlet Photo: Peter morrell, Public domain. Levedale is a small somewhat elongated English village situated some 4 miles southwest of Stafford, 2 miles northwest of Penkridge and a mile west of Dunston, Staffordshire. Levedale is situated 4 km northwest of St Modwena Way.St...