St. Paul's School St. Paul's School成立于1856年,位于新罕布什尔州,是一所综合的男女合校寄宿制私立中学,提供9-12年级的课程。学校距波士顿及罗根国际机场约1小时多,距曼彻斯特机场(MHT)约35分钟车程。圣保罗中学不但历史悠久,而且是一所学风高尚且富有人文气息的著名学府。学校校园拥有近2000公顷的翠绿树林、...
美国中学简介专题 圣保罗中学 St. Paul’s School 基本信息 教师人数:103 硕士以上学历:78% 教师与学生比例:1:5 平均每班学生人数:11 国际学生所占比例:17% 非白人学生:34% 学校地址:325 Pleasant Street Concord, New Hampshire 学校类型: 美国寄宿私立高中 学校规模: 400-800人 官方网站:http://www.sps.e...
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander is not included in this breakdown due to an enrollment of 0%. Faculty & Staff 78 Classroom Teachers N/A Faculty with Advanced Degrees Sports & Athletics Data is not available for sports and athletics programs atSt Paul's School....
St. Paul’s School is a co-ed boarding school in Concord, New Hampshire, about a 1.5-hour drive north of Boston. The campus is a sprawling 2,000 acres with buildings ranging from historic to modern and extensive athletic facilities. Walking around St. Paul’s almost feels like a small ...
圣保罗中学St.Paul’sSchool申请信息 圣保罗中学St. Paul’s School 成立于1856年,位于新罕布什尔州,是一所综合的男女合校寄宿制私立中学,提供9-12年级的课程。圣保罗不但历史悠久,而且是一所学风高尚且富有人文气息的著名学府。 申请圣保罗中学St. Paul’s School 所需的材料: 1.在线申请 2.100美金申请费 3....
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — The St. Paul school district and its teachers union are discussing a new contract for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic cut short a three-day teacher strike in March 2020.
内容简介 Asoneofthemostprestigioushighschoolsinthenation,St.Paul'sSchoolinConcord,NewHampshire,haslongbeentheexclusivedomainofAmerica'swealthiestsons.Buttimeshavechanged.Today,aneweliteofboysandgirlsisbeingmoldedat— END —7家店有售 新书 0 家店有售 ¥140.00起 ...
In New Hampshire, today, a former student at St. Paul`s boarding school took the witness stand in his own defense and denied raping a freshman last year.JANE PAULEY, ANNA WERNER
The school rector, Mike Hirschfeld, told students in a letter last summer that participating in games involving sexual solicitation would be grounds for expulsion, and has said in a statement that allegations about the culture at St. Paul's "are are not emblematic of our School or our values...
Paul’s Rape Case Defends Account During Cross-Examination.The article discusses the U.S. court case which involves Owen Labrie, a graduate of New Hampshire-based St. Paul School, who was sued for rape by a female student. The victim reportedly testified in court on August 20, 2015 where...