Thank you for visiting the Saint George Serbian Orthodox Church website. We hope you find our site informative and edifying. We also invite you to join us for one of our liturgical services, especially on Saturday evenings at 6pm and Sundays 9am Matins and 10am Divine Liturgy. Our parish i...
For over 100 years,St. George Greek Orthodox Church has served as a beacon of Christian lightin a city that brought electricity to the world! And we invite everyone to "come and see" by attending our regular Sunday (9:30 AM) Divine Liturgy service. ...
Welcome to St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church St. Demetrios Mission Statement "Loving God and One Another in Spirit and Truth" St. Demetrios Vision Statement "To Follow Jesus Christ, Make Disciples, and Minister to the Needs of One Another and the Community" ...
多伦多教堂很多,基本上每个人口多一点的地方就会有一个教堂。但大型的教堂主要在多伦多市区。这个教堂位于市区中心,应该是一所东正教的教堂,我在多伦多还是看到的唯一的一个。建筑物和其他教堂不一样,当时教堂内部在维修,我们没有进入。 138***7682 5分 超棒 好美的地方。喜欢的不行。喜欢喜欢。 暂无回答 不知道...
Discover St. Catherine Orthodox Church, a vibrant community of Orthodox Christians. Join us for worship and fellowship. Find an Orthodox church near you.
Welcome to St. Haralambos Greek Orthodox Church in Canton, Ohio. St. Haralambos is a church on the move since 1913.
St. Symeon Orthodox Church of the Diocese of the South, Orthodox Church in America located in Birmingham, Alabama
George Orthodox Church. We are located within the beautiful section of Delaware Park. St. George Orthodox Church is a a Pan-Orthodox, English language parish serving Western New York. We are a parish of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey of The Orthodox Church in America. We welcome ...
St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church Serving Myrtle Beach and Charleston under his Holiness Bishop Peter, Bishop of the Diocese of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Kentucky
Saint Paul the Apostle Orthodox Church of Las Vegas, Nevada is a parish of the Diocese of the West, Orthodox Church in America. We are under the episcopacy of His Eminence, Archbishop Benjamin, Archbishop of San Francisco and the West, and the ruling hierarch of the Orthodox Church in Ameri...