St. Paul’s is part of adenominationthat believes women and men are equally capable of leading and serving the church in any role. We elect our leaders and Pastors and make important decisions as a group. We cooperate with the other local, regional and nationalLutheranchurches, a dozen in...
Youth Ministry St. Paul's has opportunities for all ages to worship and learn. See more information on our Discipleship page! Click here to Register for any programming Sunday School Begins September 8th 8:45 - 9:45 AM EPIC Jr. Begins September 4th ...
• Lean into God’s transformative love. 905-628-6396office@stpaulsdundas.comSt. Paul's United Church29 Park St. W., Dundas, Ontario L9H 1X3 Worship Sundays at 10:00 amOffice: M to F / 9:00 - 12:00Email Signup
St. Paul Armenian Church Սուրբ Պօղոս Հայաստանեայց Եկեղեցի 3767 N. First Street Fresno CA 93726 Սուրբ Պօղոս Հայաստանեայց Եկեղեցի ...
St. Paul's Celebrates, Declares, and Demonstrates the Love of God in Jesus Christ to Sarver, PA and the World
Welcome to St Paul's Our church is in Grove Park, Chiswick, just a stone's throw from the Thames. It has been used for Christian worship since 1872 and we would be delighted if you joined us. Christians of all denominations are welcome here, as are those searching for God and indeed ...
St. Paul Lutheran Church and School, located in Boca Raton, is a community centered around sharing and celebrating the word of Christ.
教堂建设项目的主要推动者是Father E Mariette,Sts Peter & Paul church的牧师。是一个充满爱心和活力的天主教团体,同时也是新加坡的国家古迹之一。 2019-08-04IP属地:未知 点赞 上一页 1 下一页 跳至 页确定 写点评 附近景点 推荐景点 Dong Yue Miao 3.3分3条点评 直线距离179m Plants Haven 直线...
Welcome, and thank you for visiting St. Paul's. Our Lutheran Church, Lutheran School and Preschool are here to serve your family!