As a Church school we are subject to two inspections, Ofsted and SIAMs, both are rigorous and rate the school with a grade. St. Michael’s is very proud to announce that following our OFSTED inspection in June 2023 we have been judged to be outstanding in all categories and Ofsted affirm...
圣迈克学院St. Michaels University School 圣迈克学院成立于1906年,学校位于加拿大温哥华维多利亚市,是一所寄宿兼走读制男女混合学校。 学校提供K-12年级的教育,8-12年级可以寄宿。目前学校共有1000名学生,班级平均人数为17人,师生比1:6。学生来自全球39个不同的国家,超过一半的学生来自北美大陆以外的地区。 了解了...
上周二,St Michael’s School(圣迈克尔学校)来自低龄部和中学部的学生们参加了一年一度的圣诞庆典。活动在拉内利的 Ffwrnes 剧院举行,学生们演唱和演奏了各种节日歌曲🎅,甚至还表演了《帕诺夫老爹》和《圣诞颂歌》中的一些戏剧场景🎭。无论是低龄部的小朋友们还是中学部的学霸们,都在舞台上尽情展示了自己的...
*The St. Michael’s College School Centre for the Arts is not available for rental to the general public. Contact Error Arena Nestled in the heart of the campus, the arena is home to several school hockey teams including the St. Michael’s Majors. ...
The St. Michael’s College School Mother & Son Mass and Brunch is a formal event held twice a year: one for Grades 7-11 students and one for graduating Grade 12 students and their mothers or a significant female in their life.
Mentorship programming at St. Michael’s College School strives to impart a sense of pride, tradition, and community in every student during his high school journey, and forms a basis for belonging to the school community — for life.
圣迈克中学建校于1906年,招收幼儿园到12年级的学生。学校座落于美丽的维多利亚市中心区,占地约20英亩,拥有两个校园,幼儿园设在Oak Bay校区,六年级以上设在Richmond校区。2014年毕业生99%进入大学,包括多伦多大学,皇后大学,维多利亚大学等知名大学。 学校网站:学校官网 学校地址:3400 d Road,Vict...
The school motto of ‘Teach me Goodness, Discipline, and Knowledge’ is at the heart of student life at St. Michael’s College School, and athletics forms a large component. The programme remains faithful to its four key pillars of Respect, Commitment, Integrity, and Excellence. Our ...
This award honours students who obtain 80% or more on their June St. Michael’s report card. For Grade 11, at least seven courses must be taken. Courses taken outside the school may not be substituted in order to earn this award. The award consists of a personalized St. Michael’s pla...