St Mary MacKillop College, CanberraMacKillop College
Head’s Welcome Welcome Video School Vision & Mission Our Staff Section 48 Inspection Ofsted School Performance Safeguarding What is Safeguarding? What is abuse? What do I do if I am concerned about a child? CPOMS - recording safeguarding, behaviour and welfare concerns Stronger families ...
the privileged son of nobility. At the age of 16, he is kidnapped by Irish raiders and enslaved by a cruel druid chieftain. Six years later, following many vivid dreams and visions of destiny, Patrick escapes and returns home to England and a sheltered life with his loving parents Concess...
Remembering St Mary; Students Enjoy History Lesson at MacKillop Festival
St. Mary MacKillop Austrian St. John of Capistrano Belgian St. Damien of Molokai Bohemian St. Adalbert St. John of Nepomuk St. Ludmila St. John Neumann St. Wenceslas I Bulgarian St. Boris I St. Cyprian St. Euthymius of Tŭrnovo ...