Luke Painting the Virgin 1565 有一幅据说由圣路加亲自绘制的最受尊敬的Hodegetria,开始存放于专为展示该肖像而建的君士坦丁堡(Constantinople) 的Panaghia Hodegetria修道院中。不同于大多数后来的复制品,它显示了圣母玛利亚的全身,而且画是双面的,另一面是耶稣被钉于十字架。据说这幅画由狄奥多西二世(emperor ...
St Luke Painting the Virgin MaryMarten De Vos
作品名称:圣路加展示圣母画作 St Luke Displaying a Painting of the Virgin (1653),圭尔奇诺 ,提供高清图片下载。
北方文艺复兴 Saint Luke painting the Virgin 作者: 马布斯 Mabuse 创作日期: c.1520 作品风格: 北方文艺复兴 作品题材: 宗教画 作品材质: 油彩 , 木材原作尺寸: 230 x 205 公分版权信息: 公有领域 arts-and-crafts saints-and-apostles St. Luke 圣地 圣母玛利亚 基督教 天使和大天使 宗教画...
St. Luke’s Attic is named after, of course, Saint Luke. There are a couple of reasons that he is the patron saint of artists. The first is that his gospel goes a long way in painting a picture of Jesus and the people who surround him. The other is that he actually painted picture...
Luke or Nicodemus30. Irenaeus (2th century) and Origen (3th century) consider it legitimate the representation of God into an image 31; in the early days of Christianity, however, they only used symbols, such as the lamb, the bread and the fish, whose Greek name ichthùs is formed ...
在《使徒行传》13:9中,“扫罗”第一次在塞浦路斯岛(the island of Cyprus)被称为“保罗”——比他改变信仰的时间晚很多。路加(St. Luke)指出这两个名字是可以互换的:“扫罗,又名保罗(Saul, who also is called Paul)”。 显然“保罗”更受欢迎,因为在其他所有提到他的圣经书籍中,他都被称为“保罗”,包...
"Two cities have been formed by two loves: the earthly by the lover of self, even to the contempt of God; the heavenly by the love of God, even to the contempt of self." St. Augustine, DE CIVITATE DEI, Book XIV, Chapter 28 ...
卢克教堂: 西南面(Gaddesby, St. Luke"s Church: The south west aspect) 老肖勒姆, 装货单. 尼古拉斯教堂: 西南面(Old Shoreham, St. Nicolas Church: South western aspect) 价值: 装货单. 尼古拉斯教堂: 西南面(Worth: St. Nicholas" Church: The south west aspect) 兰托夫特, 装货单. 彼得教堂: ...
“Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace, O Lord, according to Thy word; for my eyes have seen Thy salvation.”(Luke 2.29-30) One More Wish Then she said to the elder: “Forgive me, Abba, for asking you, but fulfil another wish of mine. Go now to the monastery and let God...