When planning a visit to the St Louis Zoo, it’s important to consider parking and prices to ensure a stress-free and enjoyable experience. Thankfully, the zoo offers a variety of convenient parking options, as well as reasonable prices that make it accessible to everyone. The zoo hastwo m...
Louis Zoo, and the St. Louis Science Center. Sprawling Forest Park, 500 acres larger than NYC’s famed Central Park. And of course, the piece de resistance, Chuck Berry, the proud Father of Rock ‘n Roll and inspiration to millions. Long before he duckwalked on American Bandstand, Berry...
Soulard, and Benton Park, with easy access to I-44, I-64/40, and I-55/70 to get to the Arch, City Museum, Forest Park/Zoo, Barnes/CWE, Cortex, Busch Stadium, Fox Theater, St. Louis U, The Grove, Cherokee Street, Tower Grove, Peabody Opera House and more all within 5-10 minu...
聖路易斯四季飯店 (Four Seasons Hotel St Louis) 滿分5顆星,住宿獲得5顆星 999 North 2nd Street, 聖路易斯市中心, 聖路易士(MO), 美國, 63102 - 查看地圖&週邊景點 住宿提供免費Wi-Fi和免費停車服務,讓您保持連線,並來去自如。 住宿位於聖路易士(MO)聖路易斯市中心的絕佳位置,讓您輕鬆探索熱門景點和餐...
Louis的地標和景點The Royal Sonesta Chase Park Plaza St. Louis位於聖路易斯市中心,周圍有許多著名的地標和景點。酒店附近的聖路易斯大拱門是一個令人驚嘆的建築,是聖路易斯的象徵之一。遊客可以搭乘電梯到頂部,欣賞到遠處的美景。另外,酒店也鄰近St. Louis Zoo,這是一個世界知名的動物園,擁有眾多種類的動物,...
Louis Zoo,这是一个令人惊叹的动物园,拥有各种各样的物种。此外,市博物馆和圣路易斯艺术博物馆也是值得一游的地方,您可以在这里欣赏到世界级的艺术品和文化遗产。无论您是喜欢户外活动还是文化探索,这个地区都能满足您的需求。便利的公共交通站点圣路易斯中央西区智选假日酒店周边有多个公共交通站点可供选择。酒店距离...
St. Louis Zoo是一家世界知名的动物园,拥有众多珍稀动物,是家庭出游的理想选择。市博物馆则展示了丰富的艺术和历史藏品,为您提供了一次文化的盛宴。布施体育场是圣路易斯的标志性体育场,举办各类体育赛事和演唱会。密苏里植物园则是一个美丽的绿洲,拥有丰富多样的植物和花卉,是放松身心的好去处。 无论您是喜欢探索...
St. Louis has some wonderful parks, built at different times for different reasons. One of the more unique is Tower Grove Park. It wasn’t constructed by the city like so many of our parks — it was gifted to the city. It has always had a board to oversee the park — it’s not ...
James was the best, she was strict and teached us well, but, 2 of our teachers quit which are math and science/social studies, so it's difficult adapting to always switching teachers, but the kids are even worse, as soon as we enter the building they all start acting like zoo animals...
The Royal Sonesta Chase Park Plaza St Louis is 5 km from the St. Louis Zoo. The St. Louis University is 3 km from the hotel. 夫妻/情侣特别喜欢这家住宿的位置,为两人住宿体验给出了9.8分。 住宿简介中的距离计算使用的是© OpenStreetMap 热门设施/服务 室外泳池 私人停车场 WiFi(覆盖酒店各...