荣耀是每个基督徒生命旅程的终极目标。 Edward Hicks-Peaceable Kingdom, 暗指《以赛亚书》11:6中的比喻:′The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; a little child shall lead them.′ 《罗马...
公元前332年-前167年);之后是被一个独立的哈斯莫尼王国(Hasmonean Kingdom,公元前140年-前37年)统治;再后面是希律王朝(Herodian dynasty,公元前37年-公元93年);最后在罗马人(Romans,公元前63年-公元132年)统治下繁荣昌盛。
ST. LOUIS (AP) — Police in St. Louis are looking for a man who stole a cellphone from a woman as she lay dying on a sidewalk outside Anheuser-Bush brewery.
the faithful prepared themselves for his kingdom and, by urgently preaching his gospel, sought to bring others into the redeemed community. In the event, longer perspectives of a “time of the church” opened up. Christians faced the problems of living among apaganmajority, the missionary challe...
St. Louis, city, adjacent to but independent of St. Louis county, east-central Missouri, U.S. It lies on the west bank of the Mississippi River (bridged there at several points) opposite East St. Louis, Illinois, just south of the confluence of the Misso
Keeping it Real: the technology designed to erode the impact of counterfeit luxury goods Mar 04, 2025 STM32U3: The 1st STM32 with a 0.65 V VCORE is making near-threshold CMOS mainstream Mar 04, 2025 STM32WBA6, The new king of Matter-Bluetooth single-chip applications...
St. Louis, October 9-12, 2014 The Shroud and the iconography of Christ Emanuela Marinelli Abstract The similarity between the Shroud face and most of the depictions of Christ known in art, both Eastern and Western, is clear and cannot be attributed to pure chance; it must be the result ...
The Oregon State board of trustees will meet this week to discuss president F. King Alexander's role in the mishandling of sexual misconduct cases at his former school, LSU.
Louis IX’s acts as king certainly included care for the Christian poor—but they also encompassed moments of vicious anti-Judaism.Ryan Ashelin via Wikimedia Commons under CC BY 3.0 Louis IX reigned over France in the middle of the 13th century. Like most medieval sov...
Featuring bagpipers, floats and appearances from the Parade King and Queen, the Hot Springs parade is presided over by a celebrity Grand Marshal, who keeps the crowd on their toes throughout the event. Previous Grand Marshals include Mario Lopez and Pauly Shore. We are not making this up. ...