When I try to target->connect in ST Link Utility I have an error ''unknown device'' with disco L4, disco F7 and nucleo L4. With nucleo L0, the connection is good, but I have the message ''Device family : unknown device''. With disco F0, disco F3 and disco F4 it's OK. The ...
使用SW接口,烧录器使用ST-LINK V2,打开ST-link V2 Utility软件,点击连接时,出现 Unknown Device。我...
STM32 ST-LINK Utility无法下载的处理方法【淘淘科技大讲堂笔记2012-07-17】 现象:提示family: Unknown device Read out protection is activated. Could not disable Read Out Protection! 分析:由于STM内部提供了数据保护,有读出保护和写保护。禁止读出保护起作用,那么下载器就读不出内容了。是为了防止盗版的功能。
上电后可以观察到正确的输出。于是我进行下一步,换个程序检查FPU工作情况,这时候ST Link无法下载,在...
My device still runs (batteries) the last load put in it before unplugging for hand test. It drives an OLED display, buttons work, Etc. I can turn the unit on/off.But, I cannot clear or access the chip anymore.There are only five wires coming out of the ST-LINK ...
使用ST-link Utility烧录引导程序出错问题描述:[tr]我的板子是STM32f427的板,我想在里面烧录bin文件!我以前烧进去过一次.后来那个bin文件不行.我现在想烧别的bin文件,可是我不管点什么我都出现一个Unknown device ID!;然而我选择的是Hot Plug,然我现在Normal模式我就出现Can't halt the core出现这个!还有一个...
I made serious effort to avoid creating duplicate or nearly similar issue Programmer/board type: [STLINK/V2-A onboard] Operating system and version: [Linux (5.11.7-arch1-1)] stlink tools version and/or git commit hash: [v1.6.1 & 1.6.1-27...
Programmer/board type: [v2-clone] Programmer firmware version: [V2J37S7] Operating system and version: [macOS] Stlink tools version and/or git commit hash: [1.6.1] (homebrew version) Stlink commandline tool name: [All] Target chip (and b...
WARN src/stlink-common.c: unknown chip id! 0xe0042000 使用stlink v2的时候产生了如下的警告,无法启动gdb_server,正常的信息如下: chen@chen-Aspire-4745G:~$ st-util 2016-11-20T10:05:53 INFO src/stlink-usb.c: bus 002 dev 036 2016-11-20T10:05:53 INFO src/stlink-usb.c: -- exit_...
已解决:no jlink device found Error: Flash Download failed - Target DLL has been cancelled 的错误提示 导致程序无法成功烧进板子。 这个问题一般情况下可以先看看Debug的配置是否不对,我以ST-Link为例吧: 如果我用ST-Link来烧程序,首先,要选择ST-LinkDebugger...,如果是JLink则应出现与JLink相关的字即可)时...