Lawrence in quiet triumph. By 1852 the bachelor Peabody had a thriving business, an international reputation, and nearly $3 million. He did not, at age fifty-seven, have an heir, which was why he needed Junius Morgan. The great nineteenth-century international banks were family dynasties ...
The city of Lawrence issaid to be the true home of the new(ish) cocktail, the Horsefeather. According to Punch Drink, the cocktail includes Old Overholt rye, ginger, lemon juice, and a few dashes of Angostura bitters. Kentucky: Mint julep ...
Mail service was for the first time turned over to private contractors after congressional pressure on the post office with the Air Mail Act of 1925, also known as the Kelly Act. This was the first chess piece to be moved in an effort to accelerate aviation technology and aircraft performance...
A. Lawrence, “& waked up stark mad Abolitionists.” William Lloyd Garrison burned a copy of the Constitution, calling it a covenant with death. If Pierpont shared New England’s moral outrage, he left no record of it. “ Great excitement in Boston on account of the slave Burns who was...
For this reason, the sub-categories used for the general public were “Riverine South Shore”, “Non-riverine South Shore”, and “St. Lawrence”. The perspective of those holding political office was kept separate from individuals speaking on behalf of themselves or small community groups. In ...