圣劳伦斯河(St. Lawrence River)南岸的蒙特雷吉苹果酒之路(Montérégie Cider Route)是每年观赏白色和粉色苹果花盛开的绝佳地点。大家可千万不要错过这个以美丽的果园而著名的南部地区。这里沿途有十几个果园和苹果酒屋,许多商店里也有很棒的当地特色产品。 #加拿大置业# #生活在加拿大# ...
The St. Lawrence River, between Ontario, Canada and New York, United States is part of the international boundary. The St. Lawrence Seaway permits ocean-going vessels to go from the Great Lakes of North America to the Atlantic Ocean. Navigation of the St. Lawrence was not possible until ...
必应词典为您提供St.-Lawrence-River的释义,un. 圣劳仑斯河; 网络释义: 圣罗伦斯河;圣劳伦斯河;途经圣劳伦斯河;
St. Lawrence River - a North American river; flows into the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and the North Atlantic Saint Lawrence River, St. Lawrence, Saint Lawrence Canada - a nation in northern North America; the French were the first Europeans to settle in mainland Canada; "the border between the...
加拿大🇨🇦的母亲河The St. Lawrence River,雪景静谧美好[打call] http://t.cn/RqU1nKf
Lawrence River opposite Quebec city.(加拿大魁北克省南部的一个城市,位于圣劳伦斯河畔,与魁北克市相对。) A fisherman pulled this eel, likely a female, from the St. Lawrence River as she slipped downstream toward the Atlantic Ocean.(这条鳗鱼可能是雌性。在它顺流而下游向大西洋时,一名渔民从圣劳伦斯河...
Thousand IslandsSeveral of the Thousand Islands in the St. Lawrence River, viewed from New York state.(more) For the navigation portion of the project, the Canadian government built twocanalsand fivelocksaround the Cedar, Cascades, and Lachine rapids and three seawaydams, and the U.S. governm...
The St. Lawrence River has its source from the largest collection of fresh water lakes on the globe, and among all of the big rivers of the world, it is the only one whose volume is not greatly affected by the elements. This river, which Sir J.M. LeMoine called "The noblest, the ...
A Boston-qualifier marathon that follows the beautiful St Lawrence River from Crysler Park Marina to St. Lawrence College in Cornwall, Ontario. As well as Half-Marathon, 10km and 5km distances that follow the scenic Great Lakes Waterfront Trail....