St. Lawrence College Launches New Program in CornwallLocal news for the City of Cornwall Ontario, detailing recent events and news in the community and surrounding area.Choose Cornwall
St. Lawrence College (SLC) is thrilled to announce its Honorary Diploma recipients for 2024. They will be conferred at convocation ceremonies beginning Friday, May 31 in Cornwall. Cornwall The first Honorary Diploma recipient awarded will be presented toNeha Chugh, founder of Chugh Law Professional ...
圣罗伦斯学院(St.Lawrence College)位于加拿大众多高等学府集中的安大略省,是安大略省一所著名的公立专科学院,在安大略省东部三个城市京士顿市(Kingston)、博克维市(Brockville)及康和市(Cornwall)设有分校。三所校舍环境幽雅,均位于风景怡人,人情味浓厚的著名圣罗伦斯河河畔。并邻近加拿大首都渥太华(Ottawa),...