Saint Paul the Apostle Orthodox Church of Las Vegas, Nevada is a parish of the Diocese of the West, Orthodox Church in America. We are under the episcopacy of His Eminence, Archbishop Benjamin, Archbishop of San Francisco and the West, and the ruling hierarch of the Orthodox Church in Ameri...
St John HistoryFAQs When is the feast day of St. John the Apostle? It is celebrated each year on December 27, the birthday of St. John. What countries celebrate St. John's Day? The day is celebrated in European countries such as Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Latvia, and Lithuania...
Please click the button below to get started: Donations may also be sent directly to: St. Paul the Apostle Orthodox Church PO BOX 12635 5400 Annie Oakley Drive Las Vegas NV 89120 USA Contact ADDRESS P.O. BOX 12635 5400 ANNIE OAKLEY DRIVE LAS VEGAS, NV. 89120 CONTACT PHONE: 702-898-...
Greek Orthodox monastery of St John on the hilltop of Patmos The Monastery of Saint John the Theologian has the village of Chora built around its fortifications. This Greek Orthodox monastery was founded in 1088 on the hilltop of the island of Patmos. The monastery became a UNESCO he...
James and John were the first fourdiscipleswhom Jesus called (Mark 1:16–19) and whose question (“Tell us, when will [the destruction of theTemple] be, and what will be the sign that all these things are about to be accomplished?”) sparks Jesus’eschatological(pertaining to the end-ti...
巴恩斯(Albert Barnes)在《新约注解和实用说明》(Notes on the New Testament Explanatory and Practical)中总结说,约翰·克里索斯托(John Chrysostom,君士坦丁堡大主教)记录了保罗的身材矮小,身体弯曲,脑袋光秃。卢西恩(Lucian of Samosata,生活在公元2世纪的亚述人,讽刺家和修辞学家,以独特的半开玩笑的风格而闻名,他...
He then summarizes the arguments for the non-affirming position, from Genesis and Eve’s female nature being a prerequisite for her marriage to Adam to the more technical discussion of malakoi and arsenokoites [see St. John Studies, November 3, 2024]. There are eight arguments in all that...
St. Irenaeus of Lyons in early Christian times, a spiritual grandchild of the Apostle John the Theologian, wrote the classic textAgainst Heresies. It was primarily a critique of ancient gnosticism, but offers an antidote to American techno-gnosticism today. It is helpfully summarized and briefly...
Saint James, son of Zebedee or Yaakov Ben-Zebdi/Bar-Zebdi, was one of the disciples of Jesus. He was a son of Zebedee and Salome, and brother of John the Apostle.
John Opie - Paul Expelling the Evil Spirit from the Damsel of Philippi. Engraved by James Fittler. Macklin Bible, 1795. 他们继续行程,经过庇哩亚(Berea),到了雅典(Athens)。在那里,保罗在犹太会堂教导犹太人和敬畏上帝的希腊人(God-fearing Greeks),在亚略巴古(Areopaguss)⁴ 给希腊的知识分子讲道,内...