普莱森特山的圣约翰灯塔, 利物浦(St John"s Beacon from Mount Pleasant, Liverpool) 圣约翰大厦, 利物浦(St John"s Tower, Liverpool) 前珍珠保险大厦, 圣约翰巷, 利物浦(Former Pearl Assurance Building, St John"s Lane, Liverpool) 圣约翰购物中心, 利物浦(St John"s Shopping Centre, Liverpool) ...
LAND SECURITIES'S pounds 100m facelift for the St John's centre was last night hailed as a model response to Grosvenor's Liverpool One.Daily Post (Liverpool, England)
在The Bold St LiverPods by Serviced Living Liverpool的周边,您将发现一系列令人兴奋的购物地标。首先,Cavern Walks是一个充满活力的购物中心,您可以在这里找到独特的商店和餐饮选择。紧邻的Monument Square Farmers' Market则为您提供新鲜的当地农产品和手工艺品,带来独特的购物体验。St John's Sho...
在The Bold St LiverPods by Serviced Living Liverpool的周邊,您將發現一系列令人興奮的購物地標。Cavern Walks是當地著名的購物中心,這裡不僅有獨特的商店,還有豐富的文化氛圍。您可以在Monument Square Farmers' Market找到新鮮的當地產品,體驗到利物浦的地道風味。St John's Shopping Centre則...
St Johns Beacon 地址: St Johns Beacon, 1 Houghton St, Liverpool L1 1RL, United Kingdom 电话: +44 7719 695128 开放时间: 全年 周一-周五 11:00-17:30开放;全年 周六-周日 11:00-18:00开放 详情请点击 >>旅游攻略导航 利物浦旅游攻略指南? 携程攻略社区! 靠谱的旅游攻略平台,最佳的利物浦自助...
mix. The area is well served by public bus transport to and from major transport interchanges of Liverpool, Cabramatta, Fairfield and Parramatta. These centres have some of the largest shopping complexes in the southern hemisphere. There is a medium size shopping centre 100 metres from the ...
摘要: Read the full-text online article and more details about "Towering Dream for New St John's; EXCLUSIVE Multi-Million Pound Facelift on Cards for Shoppingmall" - Liverpool Echo (Liverpool, England), January 8, 2008收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 ...
St James' Park is like a huge shrine in the centre of the City and it just stands out, being visible from some distance away. So finding the ground was not an issue at all. See more 9th May 2015 John Holding (West Bromwich Albion) Newcastle United v West Bromwich Albion Premi...
Romford bridges the gap between London and Essex, being one of the final stops before Stratford and Liverpool Street; perfect for those who would ideally prefer having one foot in the capital and the other in the Home Counties. Crossrail is set to be the biggest game changer for this Zone ...
摘要:StJohnsParkHighSchool,场课为广大留学生提供StJohnsParkHighSchool(St Johns Park High School)学校基本概况,包括学校的专业概况,专业录取条件,留学费用,地理位置,发展历史等一系列各位学生比较关心的问题,为您在留学院校选择之路上提供丰富准确的信息。