The magnificent cave-grotto must have been even more out of the way then it is to the pilgrim of today. It is here in this hermitage that Mary Magdalene spends the next 30 years of her life in solitude, in meditation and contemplation. But her solitude is only that of the world, for ...
巴恩斯(Albert Barnes)在《新约注解和实用说明》(Notes on the New Testament Explanatory and Practical)中总结说,约翰·克里索斯托(John Chrysostom,君士坦丁堡大主教)记录了保罗的身材矮小,身体弯曲,脑袋光秃。卢西恩(Lucian of Samosata,生活在公元2世纪的亚述人,讽刺家和修辞学家,以独特的半开玩笑的风格而闻名,他...