John's wort as an over-the-counter herbal treatment for depression in the United States. Dosing and preparation differences; Mechanism of action; Ability of St. John's wort to increase liver enzyme activity; Efficacy as compared to older antidepressants....
ST. JOHN’S WORT: NOT JUST FOR DEPRESSION Posted ByAngela Justis/Comments0/Tagsdepression, immune system, St. John's wort Stumbling upon a field of wildly growing St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) is like discovering a ray of Earth-bound sunshine. Profuse bright, happy yellow flowers...
St. John's wort has been approved since 1984 by the German Commission E for the treatment of anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Although it fell into disuse for a time, a renewed interest, especially in Western countries, has led to use as a component of numerous preparations for treating ...
(popularly called St. John's wort) are widely used for treating patients with depressive symptoms. OBJECTIVES: To investigate whether extracts of hypericum are more effective than placebo and as effective as standard antidepressants in the treatment of major depression; and whether they have fewer ...
St. John's wort is most commonly used for depression and conditions that sometimes go along with depression such as anxiety, tiredness, loss of appetite and trouble sleeping. There is some strong scientific evidence that it is effective for mild to moderate depression. ...
CONTEXT: Extracts of St John's wort are widely used to treat depression. Although more than 2 dozen clinical trials have been conducted with St John's wort, most have significant flaws in design and do not enable meaningful interpretation. OBJECTIVE: To compare the efficacy and safety of a ...
line, Imipramine, Fluoxetine, and the certain superiority of Hypericum at its side-effects' low profile. In addition, it is verified that the Hypericum's effectiveness relates to its action at low or middle depression, since there are no pedantic studies for its effectiveness at heavy depression...
John's Wort for the treatment of mental disturbances This invention provides therapeutic compositions for the treatment or prevention of mental disturbances such as depressive states and for regulating the level of certain neurotransmitters and thereby improving the function of the central... BE Corson,...
图书Secrets of St. John's Wort: Treat Depression Naturally With St. John's Wort! 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
CAM spotlight. St. John's wort and depression Patient Care (Print)D'Epiro NW