St Paul Lutheran School is a private school located in Chicago, IL. The student population of St Paul Lutheran School is 75. The school’s minority student enrollment is 100.0% and the student-teacher ratio is 15:1. Tuition & Financial Aid N/A Yearly Tuition* Fees* N/A Financial Aid Av...
St. Philip Lutheran School is a private Christian school proudly serving families in the City of Chicago. From preschool through grade eight, we are committed to the mission of engaging the mind, nurturing the spirit and transforming the world. Discover how St. Philip can prepare your child to...
(Lutheran; 1869),Concordia University (Lutheran; 1893), a campus of Metropolitan State University (1971), and a part of theUniversity of Minnesota, Twin Cities (1851), campus. Thestate capitol, Minnesota’s third, was designed by architectCass Gilbertand was completed in 1904. Dominating the ...