St. Francis High School is an unaided Christian Minority Educational Institution run by the Society of Sevasadan Orphanage and Training Institute, which is administered by the Congregation of the Franciscan Missionary Brothers. The school follows the syllabus of the Government of Karnataka (State Syllab...
St. Germain High SchoolThe school has represented Karnataka in the Nehru Hockey Tournament held at New Delhi and has won the B.T. Ramaiah Shield in cricket. The NCC Officer Fazal Bari Khan has been honoured at the State and National levels.St.Germain high school, Bangalore...
Vasanth Nagar, Bangalore 08022269537 St Marys Girls High School St Euphrasias Girls High School Richmond Road 6, Richmond Road, Bangalore 08022239726 St Euphrasias Girls High School St Teresas Girls High School Chamarajpet Chamarajpet, Bangalore ...
1, 1 Main Road, 11th Cross, Prashanth Nagar, Bangalore 08023286461 St Sophias High School St Josephs Boys High School Nagarbhavi 4, Peppareddy Palya, Nagarbhavi 2nd Stage, Bangalore 08023215023 St Josephs Boys High School St John Keats High School Mahalakshmipuram 192, 4th Cross, 4th B ...