圣·乔治英语国际学校是一所国际学校。学校每个班级学生不超过20人,学生在结束10年级的学习后,可以选择在学校做国际认可的高中毕业文凭(International Baccalaureate Diploma)即IB文凭。国际高中文凭的学习需要2年。这个文凭被全世界所承认,也就是说学生获得IB高中毕业文凭,即可直接申请欧洲、美国或加拿大的任何一所大学。...
St. George’s school in Munich boasts a modern, state-of-the-art premises centrally located in one of world’s most liveable cities. This is a truly international school community which welcomes pupils and parents from the greater Munich area as well as from over 45 countries. ...
在St. George’s, The British International School, Cologne学习的费用是多少? 该校每年的学费从11900 EUR. 需要知道的事情 报名阶段 Entry possible at any age 学生就读于 St. George’s, The British International School, Cologne 在45 不同国籍 ...
St George's British International School - Representing and Supporting the Provision of Outstanding Education in British International Schools of Global Quality
在St. George’s, The British International School, Munich学习的费用是多少? 该校每年的学费从11900 Currency. 需要知道的事情 报名阶段 Entry possible at any age 学生就读于 St. George’s, The British International School, Munich 在45 不同国籍 ...
圣乔治国际学校(St George’s International School)成立于1927年,是瑞士第1所英式国际学校,也是世界上最贵的10所学校之一。学校坐落在风景如画的日内瓦湖畔蒙特勒,坐拥12英亩纯粹无污染的自然环境,可以一览阿尔卑斯山和日内瓦湖美景,距离日内瓦1小时车程,优越的地理位置确保学生领略最原汁原味的欧洲文化魅力。
Living Our Values: Guiding Principles at St. George International School CBSE Excellence We strive for the highest standards of academic achievement, personal growth, and professional conduct in all aspects of our school community. Integrity We uphold honesty, fairness, and ethical behavior, fostering ...
Define St George. St George synonyms, St George pronunciation, St George translation, English dictionary definition of St George. A city of southwest Utah on the Virgin River. It was established by Mormons as a cotton center during the Civil War. America
Define St Georges. St Georges synonyms, St Georges pronunciation, St Georges translation, English dictionary definition of St Georges. n. the capital of Grenada, in the SW part. 6657. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dicti
Situated in the centre of Brighton, close to the sea front and town. Experienced Teachers: All teachers are highly qualified and experienced in teaching English as a second language. Exclusive Accommodation: Our George Street Residence, just a 5-minute walk from the school. Nationality...