Mamats, LucianaSchuele, ElisabethContemporary PNG Studies
Occurrence of Proteinuria and its Predisposing Factors among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care Clinic at St. Francis Hospital Nsambya.doi:10.51168/SJHRAFRICA.V1I12.3John Edward MunyagaDavid Serunjogi
The study looked at sources of drug information, attitudes regarding medication use and practice of medication use and self-medication among pregnant mothers attending antenatal clinic of the hospital. Consenting women were enrolled in the study and the qualitative data g...
Intestinal Parasitosis among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinic at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Sikkim, a Northeastern State of IndiaAnemiaantenatal womenhelminthiasisintestinal parasitosisneglected tropical diseasesPREVALENCEThe research paper explores the burden and associated factors of intestinal ...