从拉斯维加斯横跨三州,我们终于抵达了犹他州的圣乔治(St. George)。首先,我们漫步在维吉尼河步道(Virgin River Trail),感受到有水的地方总是充满生机。大人们带着孩子们在河边骑车,公园里年轻人踢球跑步,池塘边则有人静静地钓鱼,简单的幸福就是这样。接着,我们前往恐龙足迹遗址(Dinosaur Discovery Site),这里保留了...
This question is at the heart of Sustainability, which addresses some of today's most pressing environmental issues, such as the effect of plastic pollution on our oceans, and the immense amounts of waste generated by the fast fashion industry. All of the artwork in some way illustrates our ...
About the St. George Art Museum Located at 47 East 200 North in historic downtown St. George, the former sugar beet seed storage facility was transformed into an elegant showcase for art in 1997. The museum is part of a beautiful arts complex, which also includes the Opera House and Soci...
首先,Bedard Fine Art Gallery 是一个艺术爱好者的天堂,展示了当地和国际艺术家的精彩作品,您可以在这里找到独特的艺术品作为纪念。紧邻的 Red Cliffs Mall 则是一个现代化的购物中心,汇聚了多家知名品牌和时尚店铺,是您尽情购物的理想之地。对于喜爱文化的游客,St George Art Museum 提供了丰富的艺术展览,您不仅...
此外,St George Art Museum 展示了當地及國際藝術家的作品,為您的購物之旅增添了文化的深度。對於喜愛折扣的購物者,The Outlets at Zion 提供了多種品牌的折扣商品,讓您以實惠的價格購得心儀的商品。而 Urban Renewal By Jenny Larsen 則是一個充滿創意的小店,專注於環保和再利用的產品,讓您在購物的同時也能...
此外,St George Art Museum展现了当地的艺术与文化,是艺术爱好者不容错过的地方。想要找到更多折扣商品的话,The Outlets at Zion提供了多种品牌的折扣选择,绝对能让您满载而归。最后,Urban Renewal By Jenny Larsen则是一个充满创意与独特风格的商店,提供多样的手工艺品和独特商品,适合寻找特别...
The Sears Art Museum, located on Utah Tech University campus, is open Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. Closed weekends and school holidays. Admission is FREE
首先,Bedard Fine Art Gallery 是一个艺术爱好者的天堂,这里展出了一系列精美的艺术作品,您可以在这里找到独特的艺术品作为纪念。接下来,Red Cliffs Mall 是一个现代化的购物中心,拥有多样的品牌商店和餐饮选择,适合家庭和朋友一起享受购物乐趣。此外,St George Art Museum 提供了丰富的当...
这家酒店位于15号州际公路旁,距离犹他州迪克西州立学院(Dixie State College of Utah)和圣乔治艺术博物馆(St. George Art Museum)有2英里(3.2公里),设有季节性室外游泳池。 Red Roof Inn St. George - Convention Center酒店的客房配有高清有线电视、平板电视以及ESPN和HBO频道。微波炉、迷你冰箱、吹风机、室内...
George St. The shrine references the history of Greek settlers in Florida and their Greek Orthodox heritage. It is a religious shrine with icons and candles and the smell of incense. I am not Greek Orthodox, but I did find the history interesting. The art was also beautiful and I enjoyed...