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aeruginosa isolation in Europe, which indicates the transmission dynamics of this high-risk clone.Tsilipounidaki, KaterinaGkountinoudis, Christos-GeorgeFlorou, ZoiFthenakis, George C.Miriagou, ViviPetinaki, EfthymiaMicroorganisms
A letter to the editor is presented about the birthday English painter J. M. W. Turner, which is April 23, 1775.EBSCO_AspTls
doi:10.1016/j.jcin.2013.12.020Khan, Abdur R.Alreefi, FadiShah, Sarthi R.Luni, Faraz KhanSheikh, Mujeeb A.Moukarbel, George V.Elsevier Inc.Jacc Cardiovascular Interventions
doi:10.1016/j.jgar.2018.02.017Papagiannitsis, Costas C.Sarrou, StylianiTsilipounidaki, KaterinaMalli, ErginaMedvecky, MatejHrabak, JaroslavFthenakis, George C.Petinaki, EfthimiaJ Glob Antimicrob ResistJournal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance...