ST Depression or ST Elevation?doi:10.5050/KSNVN.2007.17.7.587ABSTRACTChika UzoigweMark Bishay한국소음진동공학회논문집 제17권 제7호
Diffuse ST depression with ST elevation in aVR: Is this pattern specific for global ischemia due to left main coronary artery disease? J Electro- cardiol. 2013.Knotts RJ, Wilson JM, Kim E, et al. Diffuse ST depression with ST elevation in aVR: is this pattern specific for global ischemia...
All patients in group A had ST depression in leads V 4 and V 5, and all patients in group B had ST elevation in leads V 2 and V 3. The presence of ST depression in leads V 4 and V 5 in UA patients without evidence of increased oxygen demand may be suggestive of significant left...
4 Misumida N,Kobayashi A,Schweitzer P,et al.Prevalence andclinical significance of up-sloping ST-segment depression in patientswith non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction[J].Cardiol Res,2015,6(4-5):306 5 Morris NP,Body R.The de Winte...
3 Fletcher WO, Gibbons RJ, Clements IP, et al. The relationship of inferior ST depression, lateral ST elevation, and left precardial ST elevation to myocardium at risk in acute anterior myocardial infarction. Am Heart J, 1993,126:526
非ST段抬高急性冠脉综合征 Non-STElevationAcuteCoronarySyndromes PeterBerger,MDProfessorofMedicineDir.OfInterventionalCardiologyDukeUniversityMedicalCenterandDukeClinicalResearchInstitute Durham,NC ChinaOctober,2005 BergerChina10/051 HospitalDischargesforACS Non-STEACSvsSTEMI ACS 1.7MillionHospitalDischarges NSTEACS S...
depression≥0.1mV.STⅠ,aVLelevation>0.1mVjudgedtheocclusionsiteinthe recentopeningofD1orLDoftheLAD,comparedthetwoindexesofsensitivity (54.9%vs52.17%,P=0.757)andspecificity(87.24%vs94.74%,P=0.096)of them,thedifferenceswerenostatisticallysignificant(P>0.05);inthepositive ...
1 mm on aVR and ST depression on other ECG leads when angina pectoris happens strongly indicates that left main coronaηhas a 回vere stenosis and can accurately predict LM 部 culprit vessel. [Key wordsLeft main coron町M町; aVR lead; ST elevation; Acute coron町 syndrome 左束支传导阻滞、右...
Lew AS.Ratio of ST-segment depression in lead V2 to ST-segment elevation in lead aVF in evolving inferior acute myocardial infarction: An aid to the early recongnition of right ventricular ischemia. The American Journal of Cardiology . 1986...
Benign; ST-segment elevation; ST-segment depression; P.L1308R MYH6 variant of uncertain significance; Asymptomatic; 机译:良性;ST段仰角;ST段抑郁;P.L1308R MyH6变异不确定意义;无症状; 相似文献 外文文献 中文文献 专利 1.The changes of inflammatory cytokines and their clinical significance in ...