Dominic was an exceptionally holy child who knew all his prayers by heart at the age of 4. He served the church as an altar boy at the age of five. At 12, he entered a school run by St. John Bosco, who later wrote his biography, "The Life of Dominic Savio." (Christina Hermoso)...
Saint Dominic, founder of the Order of Friars Preachers (Dominicans), a mendicant religious order with a universal mission of preaching, a centralized organization and government, and a great emphasis on scholarship. Learn more about Saint Dominic in thi
is said to haveconsecratedher virginity toChristand experienced mystical visions. Catherine became a tertiary (a member of a monastic third order who takes simplevowsand may remain outside a convent ormonastery) of the Dominican order (1363), joining the Sisters of Penitence ofSt. DominicinSiena...