Samuel sclarovsky,et al.Ischemic S-T Segment depression in lead V2V3 as thepresenting electrocardlographic feature ofposterolateral wall myocardial infarction.American Heart Journal. 1987Ischemic S-T Segment depression in lead V2-V3 as the presenting electrocardiographic feature of posteroleteral wall ...
Stephen W. S.Ischemic ST-Segment Depression Maximal in V1–V4 (Versus V5–V6) of Any Amplitude Is Specific for Occlusion Myocardial Infarction (Versus Nonocclusive Ischemia). J Am Heart Assoc. 2021;10:e022866.
从心电图入手,暗藏玄机? 从心电图上分析,患者为窦性心律,P波低电压,PR和QT间期正常,QRS形状时限均正常,但在I、II、aVL、aVF以及V2-V6导联均出现ST段凹面向上压低。在ST段和T波间无明显转折,T波上升段可见一切迹,在V1导联可见ST段升高。 那么,为何会出现大面积的ST段压低呢? ■心肌缺血? 在缺血性心脏病...
从心电图上分析,患者为窦性心律,P波低电压,PR和QT间期正常,QRS形状时限均正常,但在I、II、aVL、aVF以及V2-V6导联均出现ST段凹面向上压低。在ST段和T波间无明显转折,T波上升段可见一切迹,在V1导联可见ST段升高。 那么,为何会出现大面积的ST段压低呢? 心肌缺血? 在缺血性心脏病的心电图中,ST段压低常对应...
本文介绍和讨论2018年晚近报告和推出的一个新的心电图综合征:“家族广泛性ST段压低综合征”(Familial Cardiac Arrhythmia Syndrome With Widespread ST-Segment Depression)。该文由丹麦哥本哈根大学医院的Henning bundgaard、荷兰Elisabeth M.Lodder和英国牛津大学的Carin de Villiers等联合署名,在“新英格兰医学杂志”以...
[3]Bundgaard H, Jøns C, et al. N Engl J Med. 2018 Nov 1;379(18):1780-1781. doi: 10.1056/NEJMc1807668. A Novel Familial Cardiac Arrhythmia Syndrome with Widespread ST-Segment Depression. -完 -
本文介绍和讨论2018年晚近报告和推出的一个新的心电图综合征:“家族广泛性ST段压低综合征”(Familial Cardiac Arrhythmia Syndrome With Widespread ST-Segment Depression)。 该文由丹麦哥本哈根大学医院的Henning bundgaard、荷兰Elisabeth M.Lodder和英国牛津大学的Carin de Villiers等联合署名,在“新英格兰医学杂志”以...
[3]Bundgaard H, Jøns C, et al. N Engl J Med. 2018 Nov 1;379(18):1780-1781. doi: 10.1056/NEJMc1807668. A Novel Familial Cardiac Arrhythmia Syndrome with Widespread ST-Segment Depression. 仅供医学人士参考
Some expert consensus documents also note that any ST segment depression in V2–V3 should be considered abnormal (because healthy individuals rarely display depressions in those leads). Please note that every cause of ST segment depression discussed below is illustrated in Figure 15. Study this ...
3. Nikus KC, Eskola MJ, Virtanen VK, et al. ST-depression with negative T waves in leads V4-V5—a marker of severe coronary artery disease in non–ST elevation acute coronary syndrome: a prospective study of angina at rest, with troponin, clinical, electrocardiographic, and angiographic corr...