For the “Mighty Man of God” model, that matters; for the “Great Cloud of Witnesses” model, it doesn’t change a thing—they are still texts that have formed and shaped us that we need to encounter again with our eyes watchful for the presence of the Living God. And before we wra...
Personally, I found it very long and not very challenging. The last 20-30 minute hike to the top is the challenging part. It's very muddy and a lot of flies! Keep in mind to bathe in bug spray. Once you arrive, the views are beautiful and definitely worth seeing. We stayed for an...
Back when ‘wordle’ was a tool to make a word cloud from a bunch of text rather than an addictive word puzzle game, I made this wordle of the red letter parts of Matthew’s Gospel… The size of the word indicates how frequently it’s used. You might’ve guessed “love” was at t...
R. Satti. Biconnectivity, st-numbering and other applications of DFS using O(n) bits. J. Comput. Syst. Sci., 90:63-79, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.jcss.2017.06.006.S. Chakraborty, V. Raman, and S. R. Satti. Biconnectivity, st-numbering and other appli- cations of DFS using O(n) ...
Check /usr/lib/apt/apt.systemd.daily for details on the APT::Periodic options Check for details on the Unattended-Upgrade options Run a dry-run of unattended-upgrades to make sure your configuration file is okay: sudo unattended-upgrade -d --dry...
This week it’s real. My first pic took 4 times, to load up – next week’s SEASONS will be at TO COMMENT:Click on the title of this post,scroll and the comment box will appear on the bottom of the post. ...
Snap a photo of your reflection in the silver Cloud Gate sculpture at Millennium Park before heading to Grant Park to get hit with the refreshing spray of Buckingham Fountain. There are dozens of museums and theater companies in Chicago, so a cultural experience is never hard to find. You’...
Finnish designer Yrjö Kukkapuro, whose postmodern chairs graced waiting rooms and museums, dies More National Obituaries > Stay Connected Subscribe to our newsletters Email Address St. Albert Gazette Daily Headlines Contest Alerts Obituary Notices...
The global information technology company said as a premier data technology player, Teh has also led the firm to strike a strategic alliance with Alibaba Cloud, one of the fastest-growing cloud providers in the world. “The company’s technology is also incorporated into the syllabus of certain...
Theracershadroundedthesecondstake—boat,andthecourseofthetriangleheadedthemdirectlyfortheluridcloud。 YoushouldhaveseenGrandpereColomesthen。Hedancedupanddownthepierinaperfectfrenzy。ThethinpalelipsofMadameAlvarezmovedinasilentprayer;LaJuanitastoodcoldlysilent。 Andnowyoucouldseethattheadvanceguardofthesoutheast...