Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld - Paul Arrives in Rome, from Die Bibel in Bildern,1860 ~ 从罗马到西班牙的旅程 ~ 在早期基督徒的著作中,教皇克莱门特一世(Pope Clement I,被认为是第一个使徒教父,公元88-99年在位)曾说,保罗是“西方(基督福音)的先驱者”,“他已经走到了西方的尽头”。君士坦丁堡大主教约...
23 Clement of Rome X X X X X X X X X 24 25 Catherine of Alexandria X X X X X X X 26 27 28 29 30 ANDREW X X X X X X X X X DECEMBER DayFeastProposedEnglish 1928Scottish 1929South African 1954Japanese 1959Indian 1961Canadian 1962SarumRoman 1960 1 Nicholas Ferrar X 2...
One end of the period is bounded by the loss of central authority in the Roman West at some point in the fifth century (usually referred to as the Fall of Rome); the other end is conveniently anchored by the Norman conquest of England in 1066. The term “Early Medieval” is a better ...
Original Latin:Quaesumus clementiam tuam, omnipotens Deus, ut per huius virtutem sacramenti nos famulos tuos gratia tua confirmare digneris: ut in hora mortis nostrae non praevaleat contra nos adversarius; sed cum Angelis tuis transitum habere mereamur ad vitam. Per Dominum. November 19, ...
罗马的克莱门特给哥林多教会的书信(Clement of Rome's epistle to the Corinthians,1世纪末2世纪初); 安提阿的伊格那丢给罗马人和以弗所人的书信(Ignatius of Antioch's letters To the Romans and to the Ephesians,2世纪早期); 波利卡给腓立比的书信(Polycarp's letter to the Philippians,2世纪初) Saint ...