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租租车提供最新电子版圣巴泰勒米岛圣巴兹地图(St Barts Map),可查询圣巴泰勒米岛圣巴兹市内的旅游景点地图、圣巴兹机场地图、圣巴兹道路交通,并且有卫星地图查询功能,是您到圣巴兹旅游的必备工具。
St Barts New Luxury Villa Roc E Mar, Fantastic Ocean View, Large Pool, Exclusive TOINY 9.8 out of 10, Exceptional, (49) 9.8/10 Exceptional (49) "We enjoyed our time at Roc E Mar. The place checks all the boxes for us as a family. Definitely would recommend staying ...
The roads are generally good and the map he provided made it easy to hit the major spots around the island, stop for lunch, hit the beach and return in plenty of time. We also used Google Maps, which was a good additional directional tool I would recommend. My on...
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