Beacon of Hope Christian School is a private school located in St Augustine, FL. The student population of Beacon of Hope Christian School is 81. The school’s minority student enrollment is 60.5% and the student-teacher ratio is 9:1. Tuition & Financial Aid N/A Yearly Tuition* Fees* N...
White 15.6% Hispanic/Latino 3.1% Asian or Asian/Pacific Islander 3.1% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaska Native, Two or more races and Black or African American are not included in this breakdown due to an enrollment of 0%. ...
Augustine includes world-renowned musicians performing on tour, and local ensembles that include First Coast Opera, the St. Augustine Music Festival's Chamber Orchestra, the Florida Chamber Music Project, and the St. Augustine Concert Band. When we add in ballet, the Limelight Theatre, and other...
Augustine of Hippo. America (Red Beads) Intention – That the Lord Jesus through the intercession of St. Mary Ann Paredes, the Patron Saint of the Americas, may come to the aid of those affected by Hurricane Sandy in the Americas. May the Lord help all those affected by man-made and ...