Welcome to St Andrews Links, the Home of Golf. With seven golf courses, we are the largest public golf complex in Europe.
St Andrews Beach Golf Course 国家:澳大利亚,墨尔本 标准:Par 70 长度:6074码 访客:周一至周日 开业:1997 设计:Tom Doak, Mike Clayton 机场:墨尔本机场 奖项:澳大利亚第十二 电话:+61 (03) 5988 6000 地址:209 Sandy Road,St Andrews Beach,Victoria,3941,Australia 康辉...
Executive Golf clients enjoy their tailor-made luxury Scotland golf vacations to the Old Course St Andrews, Carnoustie, Gleneagles, Turberry and other championship courses.
PerryGolf offers guaranteed tee times on the Old Course, St Andrews with unrivalled success arranging custom golf tours and luxury cruises throughout Scotland for men, women and couples.
2/6 ¥820 郑州圣安德鲁斯高尔夫俱乐部Zhengzhou St. Andrews Golf Club| 郑州高尔夫球场 俱乐部 | 河南 | 中国 🌕🌕🌕🌕|18洞果岭 | 1对2球僮 | 1对2球车 | 柜 服务线下门店 · 收货后结算 选择 10-06 ¥820.00 10-07 ¥720.00 ...
Welcome to St Andrews Links, the Home of Golf. With seven golf courses, we are the largest public golf complex in Europe.
The Open is the oldest golf tournament in the world, first held in 1860 at a different course in Prestwick, Scotland. Other golf courses Even though The Old Course is the most famous of the St Andrews golf courses, it is certainly not the only option in the area for those looking to ...
漢密爾頓高爾夫俱樂部位于聖安德魯斯,這是壹座曆史悠久的市中心球場,維護得非常好,每個球洞都充滿挑戰和回報。這是壹個充滿活力、友好的俱樂部,歡迎所有類型的會員和遊客。該俱樂部于 1903 年在漢密爾頓市中心成立,之後搬遷過幾次,最終在哈裏·吉利斯 (Harry Gillies)
郑州圣安德鲁斯高尔夫俱乐部Zhengzhou St. Andrews Golf Club| 郑州高尔夫球场 俱乐部 | 河南 | 中国,🌕🌕🌕🌕|果/童/车/柜
St Andrews-Hamilton Golf Club4 64 ST ANDREWS TERRACE ST ANDREWS, HAMILTON NEW ZEALAND 3200+64 (7) 849 2069球场预订2024-11-22(五)更换日期06:00~18:00 请致电客服中心咨询报价球场信息 球场数据 洞数18 标准杆70 距离6064 难度N/A 坡度N/A 风格其他 设计师N/A 开业日期1903 展开 球场介绍 ...