New systems with five, six or seven membered nitrogen hetero-cycles (pyrazole, pyrimidine or diazepine) simultaneously fused to the 4, 5 and 6 positions of the two A and B rings of a cholestane derivative have been prepared.Jacques Daunis...
doi:10.1002/sca.4950030414No abstract is available for this article.Cavellier, J. F.John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Scanning
This reaction leads to stereoisomeric alcoholsThe radical behaves as if it were planar and, in general, an axial approach of the reagent is strongly favoured except when substituents increase the steric hindrance of the radical.The stereoselectivity is explained in terms of the relative importance of...
From tetracoordinated “arsatranes” and orthochinons new arsenic derivatives were synthesised according a “Kukhtin-Ramirez” reaction. PMR and X-ray studies showed in these compounds the same N As bond as in the starting products, thus revealing the existance of a new series of hexa...
A series of compounds (Ia to Id) derived from diethanolamines and bis(N,N dimethylamino) methyl arsane were synthetised. The coordinative bond N As in these molecules makes them “arsatranes”. The physicochemical results all suggest a trigonal bipyramid structure with nitrogen in the apex ...
Fosty, R.Université Libre de Bruxelles‐Faculté des Sciences‐Collectif de Chimie Organique Physique‐Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50‐B‐1050 Bruxelles.Gielen, M.Université Libre de Bruxelles‐Faculté des Sciences‐Collectif de Chimie Organique Physique‐Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50‐B‐1050 Bruxelles....
The displacement index, using testosterone as reference steroid, is higher for dihydrotestosterone, 5伪-androstanediol, 4-androstenediol and 5-androstenediol and lower for dehydroepiandrosterone, 19 nor-testosterone, estradiol and 16-hydroxy-C 19 compounds....
It was usually thought that ethylidene compounds such as (III) were the precursors of ethyl compounds such as (VIII) and this has been proved recently in the case of poriferasterol (IX) which contained four deuterium atoms when Ochromonas malhamensis was grown in presence of [Me-2H3] ...
In addition to fourteen monohydroxylated compounds, the sterol fraction contains eight functionalized sidechain sterols, three of them new: 3 β-hydroxy-24-norchol-5-en-23-al (19) , (22- trans )-3 β-hydroxycholest-5, 22-dien-24-one (20) and (22 R , 23 R , 24 S ) or (22 S...