9月13日,全球最大独立船舶经纪公司 Simpson Spence Young (SSY) 宣布推出一项新的全方位服务,以确保其客户在航运业被纳入欧盟排放交易体系(EU ETS)之前保持监管与运营的合规。 2022年,欧盟批准了在“Fit for 55”一揽子计划框架下将航运业纳入欧盟排放交易体系的决定。...
SSY, the world's largest independent shipbroker, said the trade involved counterparties from both the physical and financial markets. It was cleared by the Singapore Exchange, known as SGX. UK-based SSY noted that transactions of this nature are traditionally framed by experienced "voice brokers"...
Independent shipbroker Simpson Spence Young (SSY) on Monday announced it has appointed Roar Adland (Ph.D, FICS) to the role of global head of research, effective May 2023. Internationally recognized with over 20 years of professional experience, Adland has built an impressive reputation as ...
The article reports on a forecast by John Kearsey, head of research at shipbroker Simpson Spence & Young (SSY), that the dry bulk freight market will remain under pressure from heavy oversupply throughout 2013. He added that the slowdown in the Chinese economy, along with delays to new ...
mb shipbrokers(前身为马士基经纪公司,Maersk Broker)近期在其报告中发布的“业内专家认为2024年中国钢铁出口将增长27%”言论,引发了市场对“中国能否继续保持高出口水平”的质疑。 mb shipbrokers指出,由于国内钢铁需求疲软,铁矿石库存高企,以及对钢铁出口未来的担忧,铁矿石进口在(今年迄今)增长了令人印象深刻的5%之后,...
South Seas Yacht Charter. SSYC is a young and dynamic UK based brand with a 30 years experience, a full service luxury yachting company providing yacht charter, yacht sales, yacht services and crew training.
Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) :https://smartodr.in/login Clients / investors are requested to refrain from dealing in any schemes of unauthorised collective investments / portfolio management, indicative / guaranteed / fixed returns / payments etc....
-secure ON -serverSecurityBrokerHost BROKER_HOST -serverSecurityBrokerPort 61616 其中 开关示例参数描述 -secure ON 必须设置为 on 才能启用安全性的开关 -serverSecurityBrokerHost BROKER_HOST 在托管 ActiveMQ 代理程序的服务器的名称或 IP 地址 -serverSecurityBrokerPort 61616 用于与 ActiveMQ 代理程序连接...
./bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic bai-ingress ./bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic bai-ingress 編輯CaseEventEmitter.json檔案的"output"區段。 "output" : { "default" : { ...
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