伊恩·马库斯·斯台普顿(Ian Marcus Stapleton),以笔名 SSundee 更为人所知,是一位 游戏YouTuber 来自美国。 自 2010 年以来,SSundee 每天都会将游戏内容上传到他的频道,并进行一些必要的休息。 他喜欢 Minecraft、使命召唤、英雄联盟等游戏。 Ssundee 目前拥有超过 XNUMX 万订阅者 YouTube 通道。SSundee 是谁?
Ian Marcus Stapleton, known as SSundee, is a popular American gamer, YouTube star, and TikTok star.He gained popularity by sharing Minecraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1oU_Xp9ZuQ 视频名为《在SSundee的付费取胜Minecraft服务器上复制1亿美元——终章》,由TheMisterEpic制作,为该系列画上句号。创作者在SSundee拥有的Minecraft服务器iBlocky上利用多个复制漏洞,一周内分发了价值超过3600万美元的物品和5亿美元的游戏货币,导致服务器陷入混乱、误...
Biography & Career Of Ssundee . Ssundee, an American gamer, YouTube star, and TikTok sensation, has achieved widespread fame due to his successful c...
SSundee 请打开b站官方字幕,如长时间未生成评论区提醒后手动补视频搬运自youtube,如有侵权私信联系删除游戏 单机游戏 我的世界 搬运 爱游戏的月萌 发消息 油管搬运,这里是搬运工月萌的游戏频道,请根据喜好自行食用,看见的老铁们碰到喜欢的给个一键三连涨涨播放吧...
怎麼看 ssunde..你这个假的ssundeeMC想做一点事骗我们吧 对不起我不知道你怎么看这中文 去会你的YouTube 小朋友和我们可以看你的IP 所以我们知道你从哪里来 如果你不是真的ssundee只要做到最足够不要
What other game does SSundee play on YouTube? Minecraft Epic Warfare Total Frag Dogblox 2/9 What is SSundee's real name? Ian Markus Stapleton Markus Ian Stapleton Staples Ian Marketon 3/9 3/9 Where's SSundee from? The USA Canada Japan Nigeria What is this? ...
【Welcome】欢..这位美国同胞SSundee你好,我叫dance(鞠躬)dance听说您是在youtube的大神级别实况主,dance在此表示欢迎(拍手)dance我看了籽岷实况过的(正方形跑酷square block
我还和他合照了 分享22赞 ssundee吧 David_22 Hey Ssundee Pop in here pls i am ur fanI am an International Student that is currently taking high school courses, you are by far my favourite youtube content creator, you are really gorgeous and thanks for all the laughter you gave me! 分享...
I am an International Student that is currently taking high school courses, you are by far my favourite youtube content creator, you are really gorgeous and thanks for all the laughter you gave me! I know that there's lots of pople doubting that your true identity, I dont really care if...