Ian almost always says comedic lines when starting his videos. He becomes friends with other gamers, such as Adam Dahlberg and JeromeASF. Ian doesn’t like snakes. He enjoys listening to dubstep and rock music. Blue is his favorite color. ...
http://i.youku.com/u/UMTc5OTc2NDY3Mg==/videos 分享回复赞 ssundee吧 扎姆 欢迎来到伪SSundee的优酷频道http://i.youku.com/Ssundee希望大家有空帮我搬运 分享23赞 ssundee吧 gundamMC 【搬运】【SSundee】致命病毒 mod视频来自:优酷这个是我搬运的第一个视频!希望你们喜欢,我会搬运更多的视频的! 00:...
Ssundee’s career revolves around his passion for gaming, with a primary focus on Fortnite and Minecraft. He has created captivating videos showcasing various aspects of these games, building a loyal audience that eagerly follows his content. Ssundee is widely recognized for his franchises like ...