The SSTL_15 pad set supports bidirectional single-ended and differential SSTL_15 signaling. The driver/receiver pairs, with embedded power cells, are supplied with a full complement of calibration, voltage reference, power, spacer, and adapter cells to assemble a pad ring by abutment. An ...
The SSTL_15 library supports bidirectional single-ended and differential SSTL_15 signaling. The driver/receiver pairs, with embedded power cells, are ...
Hello everyone, I get a problem about SSTL-15 interface circuit.As it's established by JEDEC,I search for this standard in JEDEC.But what I get
OBUFDS生成的差分对 - 我将其更改为DIFF_SSTL15,现在我只是得到以下错误:错误:地点:864 - 不兼容的IOB被锁定到同一银行35 冲突的IO标准是: IO标准1:名称 谢璐晨1232019-09-05 06:16:29 使用DIFF_SSTL18_I I / O标准的外部参考电阻的必要性是什么 ...
For interfacing between 3.3V LVTTL and 1.5V SSTL, the best option we have is the AVC family of translators. However, at 1.5V these translators will not support 200MHz. With a 3.3V output, the maximum frequency is going to be 160MHz for the 1 or 2 bit configurations. For the larger...
在AC701板上,我惊讶地看到DDR sysclk输入(IO标准= DIFF_SSTL15,VCCO = 1.5V)由LVDS振荡器驱动而没有交流耦合。 在UG471(7系列selectiO)第90页中,它说: 在I / O bank中有差分输入,如LVDS和LVDS_25是可以接受的 除了那些输出所需的标称电压之外的电压电平 标准(LVDS输出为1.8V,LVDS_25输出为2.5V)。 但...
On the AC701 board, I was surprised to see the DDR sysclk inputs, (IO standard = DIFF_SSTL15, VCCO = 1.5V) driven by a LVDS oscillator without ac coupling. In UG471 (7series selectIO)page 90 it says: It is acceptable to have
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