The SSTL_15 pad set supports bidirectional single-ended and differential SSTL_15 signaling. The driver/receiver pairs, with embedded power cells, are supplied with a full complement of calibration, voltage reference, power, spacer, and adapter cells to assemble a pad ring by abutment. An ...
The SSTL_15 library supports bidirectional single-ended and differential SSTL_15 signaling. The driver/receiver pairs, with embedded power cells, are ...
I get a problem about SSTL-15 interface circuit.As it's established by JEDEC,I search for this standard in JEDEC.But what I get are SSTL-2 and SSTL-18.They are working for DDR1 and DDR2.There is no SSTL-15 in JEDEC.So I need your help ! Best regards Lich_Wang Translate Tags: ...
I get a problem about SSTL-15 interface circuit.As it's established by JEDEC,I search for this standard in JEDEC.But what I get are SSTL-2 and SSTL-18.They are working for DDR1 and DDR2.There is no SSTL-15 in JEDEC.So I need your help ! Best regards Lich_Wang Translate Tags: ...
I'm looking for an LVTTL to SSTL-15 Translator. It will be running at 32MHz but possibly up to 200 MHz. Voltages available are +5V, +3.3V and 1.5V. Looking for a single and a quad. Also looking for a 2.5V to 3.3V LVTTL Translator... single and dual or quad. ...
OBUFDS生成的差分对 - 我将其更改为DIFF_SSTL15,现在我只是得到以下错误:错误:地点:864 - 不兼容的IOB被锁定到同一银行35 冲突的IO标准是: IO标准1:名称 谢璐晨1232019-09-05 06:16:29 使用DIFF_SSTL18_I I / O标准的外部参考电阻的必要性是什么 ...
On the AC701 board, I was surprised to see the DDR sysclk inputs, (IO standard = DIFF_SSTL15, VCCO = 1.5V) driven by a LVDS oscillator without ac coupling. In UG471 (7series selectIO)page 90 it says: It is acceptable to have
在AC701板上,我惊讶地看到DDR sysclk输入(IO标准= DIFF_SSTL15,VCCO = 1.5V)由LVDS振荡器驱动而没有交流耦合。 在UG471(7系列selectiO)第90页中,它说: 在I / O bank中有差分输入,如LVDS和LVDS_25是可以接受的 除了那些输出所需的标称电压之外的电压电平 标准(LVDS输出为1.8V,LVDS_25输出为2.5V)。 但...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现W631GG6NB-15 TR存储芯片《IC DRAM 1GBIT SSTL 15 96VFBGA》的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于W631GG6NB-15 TR存储芯片《IC DRAM 1GBIT SSTL 15 96VFBGA》的信息,请来淘宝深入