BlazorMaps is a Blazor library that provides a C# interface for maps provided by Leaflet.js library. It includes several Leaflet.js features which are easily accessible from C# level within a project and it does not require any use of JavaScript. - fis-s
Below is a high-level overview of project activities over the next year. Note - My involvement will be limited over the next 6-9 months due to ongoing family commitments. I will keep up on discussions and encourage others to continue development as they can. If bugs are found, I'll work...
Create a.goreleaser.ymlfile in the root of your project: archives: -id:archivename_template:"{{ .Binary }}-{{ .Tag }}-{{ .Os }}-{{ .Arch }}"before:hooks: -make tfgenbuilds: -binary:pulumi-resource-namecheapdir:providergoarch: -amd64-arm64goos: -darwin-windows-linuxignore:[]ldfl...
project plan to CCMSS in wwhhiicchh iittidideennttifiifeiesstthheeisisssuuees the RRAACC wwill bbee ffooccuussiinngg oonntthhaattyyeeaarr.. AAss nneewwisisssuuees are iden- Desppite this daunting decision from tthhee MMAACC, tthheerre aare tified, tthhee RRACC musstt updatee the ...
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) project is an international initiative to build the next generation of ground-based very high energy gamma-ray instrument. Three classes of telescopes with different mirror size will cover the full energy range from tens of GeV up to hundreds of TeV. The ...
PDF file parser that converts PDF binaries to text based JSON, powered by porting a fork of PDF.JS to Node.js. Latest version: 3.0.15, last published: a year ago. Start using al-pdf2json-sst in your project by running `npm i al-pdf2json-sst`. There are n
传递至函数、命令或程序的值或引用,用作输入或用于控制操作。可以由用户或者由另一个程序或进程提供值。另请参阅配置文件 (configuration file)和关键字 (keyword)。 参数(parm) 请参阅参数 (parameter)。 参与者 (participant) 控制业务流程或者对业务流程负责的业务实体(例如公司、公司部门或客户)或业务角色(例...
2 Multilingual Zowe Open Source Project Multilingual ADCD Metadata for Tools Multilingual Extended ADCD Checksum Multilingual ADCD Inventory for Sandbox Multilingual ADCD Devmap for Sandbox Multilingual Extended ADCD Notices Multilingual ADCD Inventory with SHA256 Checksums for Sandbox Multilingual Part No...
Zowe Open Source Project Multilingual ADCD 2Q'23: ADCD Metadata for Tools Multilingual ADCD 2Q'23: ADCD Inventory for Sandbox Multilingual ADCD 2Q'23: ADCD Devmap for Sandbox Multilingual ADCD 2Q'23: Extended ADCD Notices Multilingual ADCD 2Q'23: ADCD Inventory with SHA256 Checksums ...