The 100-person membership limit on our groups.iouser grouphas been removed. If you have been unable to subscribe in the past, please try again. Please consider contributing to the group hosting fees by clickinghere. All money collected is held by and used to pay the group hosting...
Group G – Professionals: Legal services, Accounting, auditing, bookkeeping and consultancy, Surveying services, Engineering consultancy, Architectural services, Consultancy services, Information technology services, Management services, Employment services Group H – Credit card and charge card (...
Group G - Professional services Group J - Customs agents Services exempted Some sectors are exempted from the rise and will remain taxed at 6%, which includes: Group B - Food and beverages Group H - Charge card and credit card charges remain at RM25 annually Group I - Brokerage and underw...
It was found that there was an increase in 'global self-worth' (i.e. self-esteem) for the experimental group (compared to the control group). However, there were no other significant improvements, e.g. in terms of social skills problems or victim status. These findings have important ...
roi_inds, order = get_sorted_group_inds(roi_inds) pts_xyz, out_feats, f_cluster = pts_xyz[order], out_feats[order], f_cluster[order] scatter_meta = get_scatter_meta(roi_inds, check_sorted=False) else: scatter_meta = None cluster_feat_list = [] for i, block in enumerate(self....
group | MIDSCI | MiTeGen | MRC-PPU regents | Molecular dimensions | Medicago | moravek | MD Biosciences | maxmed laboratories | medical isotopes | Microspheres-nanosphere | lumiprobe | LifeSensors | List Biological Laboratories | lectinity | LaysanBio | Louisville APL | jena bioscience | Immu...
There are two ways to communicate with slaves: a group of them at once, or all of them at once. To communicate with a group of slaves, the master sends out an address called the given address. To communicate with all the slaves, the master sends out an address called the “broadcast...
To communicate with a group of slaves, the master sends out an address called the given address. To communicate with all the slaves, the master sends out an address called the “broadcast” address. AAR can be configured as mode 2 or 3 (9-bit modes) and setting the SM2 bit in SCON....
宝利通正规渠道产品丨内江市宝利通视频会议总代理 Polycom Group550可选双麦克风 品牌宝利通(Polycom) 成都强川科技有限公司 4年 查看详情 ¥1002.00 安徽阜阳 魅声T8-2直播设备主播专用声卡套装电容麦克风手机电脑K歌录歌抖台式全民录音网红唱歌一体话筒 台式 全民 颍上力程仪器设备有限公司 4年 查看详情 ¥1480.00...
How Certificate revocation list are updated ? How correctly save and import p7b certificate How CRLs work? How do I change group scope from Global to Domain local? how do I create certificate w/ private key with my standalone CA??? How do I determine what Cert Template is used by a...