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PurposeofSchoolEducation学校教育的目的 Money货币 MoonFormation月球的行成 Theatrestudy戏剧研究 Facerecognition面部识别 BrainCells脑细胞 CooperationinSportsIndustry体育业内的合作 Non-verbalCommunication非言语交际 CompetitionDrivesPerformance竞争促进业绩 CleanWater纯净水源 VoynichManuscript伏尼契手稿 ThreeTypesofFamily...
GAPDH: Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase; TBP: TATA binding protein; other abbreviations as in Fig. 2. Full size image In parallel, we found P300 acetylation (the active form of P300) to be increased in the non-infarcted LV region of MI mice, whereas antimiR-199a prevented this ...
In total, 16 prospective participants contacted the lead researcher registering their interest in taking part. However, only five golfers completed all necessary steps to actually take part, namely, to complete the informed consent form and the initial GSAQ and iPBI. Five amateur golfers (3 ...
Note that the ~2% leftover signals in the EOF analysis are added back to the predicted SSTA field in a manner similar to persistence at the first three days determined through weighted fitting [17] so that the full field of SSTA forecast can be achieved in this way. Figure 2. Flowchart ...
Gaps, if they exist in the MODIS patch, were filled by solving the Laplace equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions using the MATLAB routine roifill. Following this step, the full resolution MODIS data were degraded to lower resolution (for computational efficiency, as will be shown in Section...
stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users. Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents. States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of ...